Disclaimer: DBZ belongs to TOEI, FUNimation, Bird Studios, and Akira Toriyama. I'm not trying to infringe on copyrights or anything.

There was a slam, a boom, and a crash. Three round spaceships opened up simultaneously. From them emerged three large, ominous shapes that started to destroy everything in sight. Luckily, they had bad eyesight and were in the middle of the woods. However, they were very powerful.


Gogeta and Gotenks stood in one corner of the Kame House, silent. They, and everyone else except Rehanna, were watching Gohan. He was looked rather nervous and puzzled. His eyes traveled over everyone in the room. Rehanna sat in another corner, trying to teach Turtle to play cat's cradle.

"Ummmm….do I really have to fuse with someone? It's not as if we're not all really powerful already. I know the fusion dance, but I don't think I need to use it." Everyone nodded. Grimacing, he went back to looking at everyone. Tien and Chiaoutzu were out of the question, since they were more likely to fuse with each other. Krillin and Yamcha really didn't want to fuse with anyone. "Piccolo-san?" Piccolo shook his head. Rehanna chose this moment to look up. She had been listening as she taught Turtle. Noticing, Gohan looked over at her. "Rehanna-san, do you know the fusion dance?"

She nodded, smiling. "You know I jump at the chance to learn anything, Gohan. Why do you need to know?"

An hour later saw her rolling her eyes up to the sky. How did I get myself into this?


Rehanna and Gohan looked apprehensive. Everyone else looked glad. Staring at the sky nervously, she fidgeted. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? Nobody has any idea how we'll look when we're done." They all nodded, just as they had an hour before. "Ok, then would anyone care to explain exactly why I'm doing this?" Sighing resignedly, she faced Gohan. "We might as well get this over with."

When they were finished fusing, everybody stared. Most of them were trying to cover up smiles. Gohanna looked over at them in an irritated manner. "I am become Gohanna, and all that stuff. Gogeta, if you comment, I swear, I will kill you. Same goes for you, Gotenks."

The person standing before them looked very odd indeed. Rehanna's little silver hoop earrings glinted on both ears, and it was her long black hair that fell down Gohanna's back. The dark eyes that all Saiyans seemed to have were glaring in annoyance out of a face that was a combination of Gohan's and Rehanna's. Even though Rehanna's hair was there, Gohanna had no widow's peak. Something was peculiar about the height and body form. The strong muscles that they both had were there, but the height seemed to be the median in between Gohan's and Rehanna's heights. The rose tucked into Gohanna's hair had turned white, but it was still a wild rose. Switching behind Gohanna was a Saiyan tail.

Yamcha was staring. He seemed to be having trouble controlling himself. There was a small trickle of blood running from his nose. "Damn. That's one-"

"If you say what I think you're going to say, you are DEAD!" Gohanna glared at Yamcha. Embarrassed and still struggling to control himself, Yamcha leaned over and whispered something to Krillin. Krillin looked over at Gohanna and laughed nervously. With a deceptively mild expression on her face, Gohanna walked up behind Yamcha and tapped him on the shoulder. Her voice was deadly calm. "What was that again?"

"Nothing! Really, just nothing! Don't mind me!"

"Ah, but I distinctly heard you say something to Krillin. If it so funny, why don't you share it with the rest of us?" She started grinning. It was the sort of grin that made you want to run away and hide. "Or are you afraid of the consequences?" Then she leaned over a bit and whispered, "There'll be no more comment from you. You say anything, you'll need about ten Senzu beans. Understand?" He winced and nodded. "Whose idea was this, anyway? This whole thing that Gohan needed to fuse with someone?"

Gogeta looked sheepish. "Ours."

"What, both of you came up with the same idea? Really, this is ridiculous."

Shifting his feet, Gogeta blushed, looking embarrassed. "Well…yeah."

"All right, I guess I have to let you off. Can't very well destroy someone who's a combination of my dad and brother. This fusion is giving me a headache. I'm related to the other two fusion-created people."

Gotenks started singing something under his breath. "We are family…" He broke off after seeing the glare Gohanna was shooting at him. She looked around belligerently.

"One more thing before we get down to business. If I hear the word chick used in conjunction with my name even ONCE, whoever said it will very quickly be either dead or mortally embarrassed. And please excuse me if I don't feel like a big hero when I'm dressed like this."

Gogeta sighed. It looked like Vegeta had taken over for a moment. Then he actually looked proud, and smiled. "My sister, the walking death threat." He was plain old Gogeta again.

Gotenks whispered something in Gohanna's ear. "Are you nuts, Gotenks?" He whispered something else. Everybody started backing away when they noticed that growing scowl on Gohanna's face. "Gotenks, are you sure you're feeling all right?" He nodded. She scowled even more. "Oh, all right, I'll say it. If anybody laughs, they are ancient history. Ok, here goes." She took a deep breath.

"Come on, Gohanna, get it over with!" Gotenks was trying to hold back laughter.

Gohanna took another deep breath. "Mind you, you owe me a big favor, Gotenks." After one last deep breath, she said it, though she didn't sound happy. "I am the universe's strongest cinnamon chiclet." An evil grin spread over her face. She grabbed Gotenks by the ears almost casually, got him in a headlock, and started giving him noogies.

"Ouch! Leggo leggo leggo leggo leggo……."

"Nope. I said you owed me."

Three quarters of the way to where the new enemies were, Gohanna looked at the others. "Hey, guys? When we're done with the fight, can I have the bodies? If there are any left?"

Everyone facefaulted. Piccolo stared at Gohanna. "Why would you want something that disgusting?"

There was a plaintive note in Gohanna's voice. "I'm starving."

Grinning, Gogeta and Gotenks looked at Gohanna, speaking in unison. "You can have them…as long as you share it with us!"